When life gets busy, it is so easy to neglect your nutrition, and that is a big mistake. I learned the hard way that our body, like any other machine, needs a good power source in order to function correctly. For example, if you want your car to work perfectly, you fill it with the right type of gas, no matter how expensive it is; we should think the same way about us, if we want to have the energy to work all day long to reach our goals, we should fill our body with the best “gas”.
The reason why I’ve always failed with diets is because the moment I start feeling that I am hungry, I start eating all the shi* that I can find around me. Here is where having the right low carb snacks is crucial to keep us on track and healthy. I must say that I practice fast most of the time when I don’t have access to healthy food, and it works really well for me, but other times, my body really needs a snack, so I try to give the best one to him.
I need to clarify that I don’t follow a strict diet, but I definitely reduced the amount of carbs in my meals and I always try to avoid added sugar. That means that I am eating low carb during 80% of the week, but I also eat out on the weekends and I don’t think twice before eating my favorite baklava ice cream in the city. With all of this being said, below you can find my favorite low carb snacks right now.
The key to eat healthy low carb snacks that keep you satiated
Our nutrition is crucial for our energy, and if we have good energy we are going to work harder to reach our goals. I’ve learned so much about this from my nutritionists, and I must say I am not a professional, and I recommend you to find a specialist if you have specific goals for your health & fitness.
For me it is not not about following a strict diet; It is just about sticking to what works better for our lifestyle, and keeping it flexible.
Don’t forget to let me know what is your favorite healthy snack in a comment below, or on my Instagram. You can find me as @andreinavalderrama
With love,
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